Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Install JDK on Windows (+ Environment Variables setting)

JDK - Java Development Kit

1. Download JDK
- Go to, select [Download] - [Java SE]

2. Check JDK version and click 'download'

3. Select "Accept License Agreement" and download "jdk-****-windows-x**.exe"

4. Execute *.exe file and click "Next"

5. Select option and installing path
- select all, without any special reason
- remember installing path, it need to setting environment variable
- click Next

6. JRE is installed automatically just click "Next"

7. Setting Environment Variable

** Setting Environment Variable
1. Click on "Advanced" tab on "System Properties"

2. Click on "Environment Variables" button

3. Create a new class path for JAVA_HOME (system variables)
- set Variable name as JAVA_HOME and value as c:\Programfiles\Java\jdk-*.*\bin

4. Modify "Path" in "System Variables"
- add ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
- Do not miss semicolon

5. Execute cmd and check installing completly
- type in "java -version" and "javac -version"

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