1. Compress file or directory
$ tar czvf Comptarget.tar.gz /target- All contents compress under '/target' will be named as 'Comptarget.tar.gz'
2. Split and Compress file or directory
$ tar czvf - /target | split -b 500mb - Comptarget.tar.gz- You need to split file or directory if target is too big.
- Can compress target and split it by 500mb.
- Output files will be named as Comptarget.tar.gz*
$ tar czvf Comptarget.tar.gz /target $ split -b 500mb Comptarget.tar.gz- Same action above line.
3. Merge compressed Compressed.tar.gz*
$ cat Comptarget.tar.gz* > Comptarget.tar.gz- Merge split files.
4. Merge and extract Compressed.tar.gz*
$ cat Comptarget.tar.gz* > tar xzvf -- Can merge and extract in an action.
Ref : http://yoonperl.tistory.com/165
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