Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Create Bitbucket Repository and Connect Eclipse

Ubuntu 14.04
Eclipse Mars 4.5.2

1. join bitbucket and create repository
- dashboard -> repositories -> create repository

- create (can create private repositories only five)

2. install git plug-in on eclipse
- Help -> Install New Software
- fill in ' Work with: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates ' or just hit 'git'
- check the box 'Eclipse Git Team Provider'

- next -> next -> I accept  the terms of license agreement -> finish (take few minute.....)
- restart eclipse and can see in import menu

3. create project and connect with bitbucket
- create project and right click on it
- Team -> Share Project

- check 'Use or create repository in parent folder of project'
- choose project you want (already existed....)

- if you can not check, click 'Create Repository' and choose again

4. commit and push
- right click on project -> Team -> Commit
- select and move source files from 'unstaged changes' to 'staged changes'
- commit message is optional

- commit, maybe get error
- right click on project -> Team -> Push Branch 'master'

- fill clone url in ' Location -> URI : ', get from bitbucket

- hit user and password -> next

- next -> finish

- refresh dashboard of bitbucket
- can find commits

ref : http://embedded.kookmin.ac.kr/lectureMobile/index.php/Eclipse_%2B_Github_%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%EB%B2%95

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